Our Credo
At Calvary Chapel Port-au-Prince, we believe:
1- In a single God, existing in three people: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. That they are equal in power and glory and that this Triune God, creator of everything, has the power to hold in place and also govern everything.
2- That the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God.
3- That God, the Father is very interested in men's affairs. He listens, answer prayers, and save from sin and death, everyone who comes to him through his son Jesus Christ.
4- That Jesus Christ, conceived by the Virgin Mary, is the Son of God. He became a man and lived without sin. That he is fully a man, that he died on the cross for the remission of our sins and rose again on the third day. Now he sits to the right of the Father, interceding for believers as Mediator.
5- That the Holy Spirit convince the world of his sin, of righteousness and of the judgment of God. That he regenerates, sanctifies, and empowers the ministry of all who believe in Jesus Christ, by attributing spiritual gifts to the saints of the Church for our common edification.
6- That we are saved by grace, by faith in Jesus Christ, Son of God and God, dead and risen for the salvation of everyone who believes.